Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Raid Game




This is what I heard last night, calling out to me from the dark.  While you might be expecting a story comparable to Caitlin's Mt. Fuji tale, with dangerous weather and a strong sense of trepidation while adventuring through France, I'm afraid that I shall have to disappoint you at this point in time, because Jackie was not calling out to me from a mountainous cliff or darkened alleyway, but rather from her dorm room, with my can of Raid in her hand.  

We've created a new game since our arrival in Bordeaux.  Its called The Raid Game.  You see, the French have no concept of those strange American contraptions called "window screens," thus, when you open your window to air out your room, the entire insect population of Southwest France decides to throw you a housewarming party.

I, however, am a party pooper.

Armed with my can of Raid, I turn on one light in my room, watch the bugs flock towards it, and spray the buggers.  Then I switch lights and kill some more.  Such a sense of satisfaction to see the critters twitching on the floor.  Jackie joined in the game last night, but required some teammate back-up when a particularly resistant creature decided to defy the Raid can and fly directly towards her face.  After spraying madly, I walked into her room to see her crouched down in front of the closet, making noise and moving stuff to bring the critters into the open.  Teamwork is always the best way to proceed, if that gives you a hint about who the victors of the game were :).

I may not be the most athletic and sporty individual, but when it comes to the Raid Game, I am a CHAMPION.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha the raid game seems a lot easier then using the big vac...did you buy raid when you got there?