Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Oh my god, California!

Me and Lauren enter the movie theater “Bonjour Monsieurs!”

Me and Lauren turn on computers and start using the WeeFee


One hour later….


Lauren: Hey, my family is on Skype!  <Begins Skyping>


One and a half hours later…


Lauren: KRISTIN! Does Champion close at 8?


Me: Oh $&@#! I think it does! <Cut to shot of clock, reading 7:53>


I think you can guess where it went from there… we madly ran across the parking lot to Champion (it’s a grocery store, don’t know if I mentioned that before), only to discover that the door was indeed “ferme” as the homeless panhandler has so kindly informed us.  Cut to us running around the building, sprinting to the open door when someone walked out.  Following the cashier screaming “trois minutes!” when we ran in, the manager turned off all the lights while Lauren was somewhere in the cereal aisle.  However, once the manager heard me speaking to her, he said “Ah, she speaks English!  You should practice your English with her!” (the “you” that he referred to was our favorite grumpy cashier)… this guy then proceeded to question us, half in English and half in French, with the conversation going roughly like this “Where are you from? The US, we’re students from California.  California!  Oh my god California!  They’re from California!  Yeah, we’re here for a semester at the university.  California! Can you believe that!”


The guy then bid us farewell, we were very gracious, and seriously hoping that he is the manager every single time that we go in there, because we’re from California, by god, and that means that we get to shop at Champion until 8:01, unlike the rest of Pessac.  Therefore, my fairly bad French accent can get me late-night produce and has just made me a new friend at Champion… not a bad place to have connections to the management, if I do say so…


Overall, a successful adventure… I got me some gum and salad fixings, Christine some peaches, and my new tram pass works wonderfully!

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